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Lift Foils: Front Wing High Aspect 70 (452cm)
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Lift Foils: Front Wing High Aspect 70 (452cm)

$0.00 AUD$1 199.00 AUD
DescriptionDetails & specsAttachments
The 70 High Aspect front wing is for advanced riders looking to maximize speed and maneuverability in more energized surf. This is also an excellent option for young rippers that are lightweight and full of talent.

Its small size does not serve the rider well for pumping long distances, but it can certainly pump to connect waves and get out in front. While the 70 High Aspect is small in surface area, the high aspect ratio and camber profile give this wing considerably more lift at a speed lower than you would expect.


Aspect Ratio: 12.1
Surface Area: 70 in2 / 452 cm2
Wingspan: 29.5" / 75 cm