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Lift Foils: Front Wing High Aspect 150 (970cm)
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Lift Foils: Front Wing High Aspect 150 (970cm)

$0.00 AUD$1 299.00 AUD
DescriptionDetails & specsAttachments
The 150 High Aspect X has been our most anticipated and requested wing to date. The ace of spades for downwind foiling enthusiasts. This wing has the speed of the 120 HA with the pump (or more) of the 170 HA.

With a wingspan of 39 inches, this wing is a true glider, but don’t let the wingspan fool you. The 150 High Aspect X can still lean into a nice carve when needed and is user-friendly to ride. We expect this wing to be a staple in the Lift lineup for many years to come.


Aspect Ratio: 10.1
Surface Area: 150 in2 / 970 cm2
Wingspan: 39" / 99 cm