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Lift Foils: Front Wing SURF V2 100 (645cm2)
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Lift Foils: Front Wing SURF V2 100 (645cm2)

$0.00 AUD$1 249.00 AUD
DescriptionDetails & specsAttachments
The 100 Surf Series V2 Front Wing is one of the fastest Lift front wings, great for waves with up to 10’ faces. It performs especially well in smooth water, and has plenty of speed for proficient foilers.

For eFoil riders, if you want to go fast and cut aggressively, this is the wing for you.

The 100 Surf Series V2 comes with our premium wing bag, for protection and easy transport. Back wings sold separately.

Best for: Serious foilers of all kinds, looking for speed and aggressive cuts.


Aspect Ratio: 6.3
Surface Area: 100 in2 / 645 cm2
Wingspan: 25"